Todas venimos del fuego y la vez estamos hechas de fuego. ¿Qué sería el hogar sin el calor del fuego, de unos fogones o del plato de comida que te espera cuando llegas a casa después de un día entero navegando incomodidades y contradicciones? No es que aquel plato de wata fufu y eru, de ekwang o de cacahuetes tostados con pan acabado de hacer puedan solucionar todo, pero al menos una puede llenarse el estómago y entonces el mundo parece un poquito mejor. Con suerte, el plato no te esperaba solo y puedes comer con una madre, hermana, hija, vecina o amiga y os nutrís juntas.
Casa Mbixi / En busca del hogar es un proceso investigativo materializado como una instalación inmersiva diseñada para ser vivida y disfrutada. La artista utiliza una variedad de objetos que incluyen fotografías, téxtiles, libros y objetos personales para transportar a los participantes a un universo único dónde las temáticas de Afro-descendencia, ancestralidad y auto-representación toman un papel central. La instalación es flexible y adaptable, creciendo y cambiando con cada nuevo objeto e historia que se añade. Este espacio íntimo es perfecto para encuentrarse y compartir y se activa a través de cenas.
Imágenes hechas por mí en la primera instalación de Casa Mbixi @ Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, como parte de Duerme en el accidente que provoca.
Se activó el espacio en tres ocasiones durante la exposición: “Identidades: ¿Cómo construimos hogar cuándo estamos lejos de casa?”, “Cuidado: ¿Quién sostiene nuestras vidas?”, “Vivienda: Hay otras formas de entender, vivir y reclamar el hogar?”
We are all born of fire and made up of it. Fire brings warmth and comfort to our homes, such as through the heat of a fire, the aroma of cooking food, or the meal waiting for us after a long day of challenges and contradictions. While a plate of hot food, like wata fufu and eru or roasted peanuts and freshly baked bread, may not solve everything, it at least provides sustenance and makes the world seem a little brighter. Ideally, this meal is not enjoyed alone, but shared with loved ones such as a mother, sister, daughter or friend, allowing us to nourish both our bodies and our relationships.
Casa Mbixi / In the search of home is an investigative process materialised as an immersive installation designed to be experienced and enjoyed. The artist uses a variety of objects including prints, textiles, books, and personal items to transport visitors to her unique universe where themes of Afro-descendence, ancestrality, and self-representation take center stage. The installation is flexible and adaptable, growing and changing with each new object and story added to it. This intimate space is perfect for gathering and sharing and is activated through the hosting of dinners.
Images by me from the first installation of Casa Mbixi @ Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, as part of the exhibition Dozing on the Accidental Provocation.
Three activations of the space were made during the period of the exhibition: “Identities: How do we build home when we feel far from our home?”, “Care: Who sustains our lives?”, “Housing: Are there other ways of understanding, living and reclaiming home?”.
Casa Mbixi / En busca del hogar es un proceso investigativo materializado como una instalación inmersiva diseñada para ser vivida y disfrutada. La artista utiliza una variedad de objetos que incluyen fotografías, téxtiles, libros y objetos personales para transportar a los participantes a un universo único dónde las temáticas de Afro-descendencia, ancestralidad y auto-representación toman un papel central. La instalación es flexible y adaptable, creciendo y cambiando con cada nuevo objeto e historia que se añade. Este espacio íntimo es perfecto para encuentrarse y compartir y se activa a través de cenas.
Imágenes hechas por mí en la primera instalación de Casa Mbixi @ Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, como parte de Duerme en el accidente que provoca.
Se activó el espacio en tres ocasiones durante la exposición: “Identidades: ¿Cómo construimos hogar cuándo estamos lejos de casa?”, “Cuidado: ¿Quién sostiene nuestras vidas?”, “Vivienda: Hay otras formas de entender, vivir y reclamar el hogar?”
We are all born of fire and made up of it. Fire brings warmth and comfort to our homes, such as through the heat of a fire, the aroma of cooking food, or the meal waiting for us after a long day of challenges and contradictions. While a plate of hot food, like wata fufu and eru or roasted peanuts and freshly baked bread, may not solve everything, it at least provides sustenance and makes the world seem a little brighter. Ideally, this meal is not enjoyed alone, but shared with loved ones such as a mother, sister, daughter or friend, allowing us to nourish both our bodies and our relationships.
Casa Mbixi / In the search of home is an investigative process materialised as an immersive installation designed to be experienced and enjoyed. The artist uses a variety of objects including prints, textiles, books, and personal items to transport visitors to her unique universe where themes of Afro-descendence, ancestrality, and self-representation take center stage. The installation is flexible and adaptable, growing and changing with each new object and story added to it. This intimate space is perfect for gathering and sharing and is activated through the hosting of dinners.
Images by me from the first installation of Casa Mbixi @ Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, as part of the exhibition Dozing on the Accidental Provocation.
Three activations of the space were made during the period of the exhibition: “Identities: How do we build home when we feel far from our home?”, “Care: Who sustains our lives?”, “Housing: Are there other ways of understanding, living and reclaiming home?”.